Term of Office: September 1, 2021– August 31, 2024
Campus Telephone Numbers are preceded by (330) 941-
Campus Telephone Numbers are preceded by (330) 941-
David Mouse - Chief Grievance Officer | Beeghly Hall Bliss Hall Cafaro House DeBartolo Hall Kilcawley Center Lyden House McDonough Museum Stambaugh Stadium | 3767 djmouse@ysu.edu |
Amalia Kostantas | Meshel Hall | 6000 akostantas@ysu.edu |
Amanda Reardon | Cushwa Hall Jones Hall Rec Center WATTS Kilcawley House | 2027 akreardon@ysu.edu |
Emily Koch | Maag Library Sweeney Hall Williamson Hall Veterans Resource Center Phelps Fok Hall Cafaro Hall | ekoch@ysu.edu |
Brett Kengor | Moser Hall Coffelt Hall Melnick Hall Salata Complex Tod Hall Beeghly Center | 1531 bakengor@ysu.edu |
Listed above are your building representatives, who are also grievance officers. Keep this list handy for future reference. If you have a problem that you think deserves union attention, the first call you should make is to your building representative. It may be able to be settled with a meet-and-confer, or it may result in a grievance. Your representatives will have training in grievance procedures and will be able to advise and take you through the necessary steps to resolve your problem.